Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life Is.

It is neither ugly nor beautiful.  
It is neither good nor bad. 
 Each individual life is what each individual perceives it to be. 
 I often have to remind myself that my fellow travelers are just as human as I am and may not always see their lives as I see mine.  I need to temper my 'attitudes' with mercy and my enthusiasm with consideration for others.  And above all I have to remember that no matter how bad it may have been, how bad it may seem and how bad it may become I was created with purpose and I need to be joyful in that.  

It just is.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


You were here.
I was happy.
We were 'us'.

The days were warm
Even in the winter
'Cause you were here.

The sun was bright, shining
Even through the rain
'Cause you were here.

There was sweet, wonderful music
Even in the dead of night
'Cause you were here.

The world made sense
Even while it was falling down
'Cause you were here.

No one ever told me
That blue could turn black;
That summer could be cold;
That silence could be the loudest sound on earth.

No one ever told me
That the night was an ocean
And the world was made of glass...

...Until it shattered.
Angels and devils fought,
Prisms of color danced behind exploding lies,
Fire froze.

And when the ocean stopped swallowing
You were gone.

You were here.
There was an 'us'.
I was happy.