Friday, January 14, 2011

My youngest son is married.  Has been for almost two years.  He and his lovely wife are trying hard to build a life for themselves.  She's a teacher and he's a pharmacy tech.  So far there aren't any children, just Carl the cat.  But they had dreams of going to Africa to 'build' schools, clinics and churches.  To 'build' communities.   My hope is that they will still be able to do that eventually. 

Dreams are like hope--they keep you going and give you something to aim for. 

Dreams inspire music, poetry, literature and art.

They feed the soul and allow the mind to escape an often harsh world.

Dreams inspire people to be better and to make a better world.

In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "It's alright to build castles in the sky.  Now put foundations under them."

And in case you wondered my dream is to travel and photograph the world and feed the people in it.

1 comment:

  1. I really need to get back to my blog....thank you for the inspiration....
