Sunday, October 2, 2011


As the dawn awakens you reach for me.
I burrow down close into you--
Feeling your warmth encompass me--
Breathing your muskiness mingled with mine.
Your flesh is my flesh.
Your heartbeat is my heartbeat.
I become you.
Our bodies are as fluid as one motion.
Arms and legs intertwine into one being.
We dance our dance before the rising sun
Brazen with desire--hungry with need.
Throbbing, pulsating rhythms tear at
Our thighs, our backs, our bellies.
Our bodies convulse as if possessed  by some demon
Shooting hot molten lava through our brains.
And in one long breath you relax as my own body gives way to peace.
We lay there full and at ease with the world as the sun says, "Good Morning."

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